Level 1 Driving Skills
How to use mirrors when driving
Online Driving Course
Driving Skills for Beginners online course covering all of the routines that you will need to learn during your first driving lessons. Speed up your learning by studying the online lessons and downloading the accompanying PDF handouts between your in car driving lessons.
Lesson 2
How to use mirrors when driving
Set up

Ensure that as part of the cockpit drill DSSSM, your mirrors are positioned for an unobstructed view of the road behind and on either side. Make these adjustments while seated in your usual driving position, and refrain from leaning toward the mirrors or touching the glass. You need a good view in all 3 driving mirrors.

The centre mirror has flat glass to give you a true picture of how far away objects are. The door mirrors have convex glass to give a good wide view, but they also make objects appear further away than they are. The wide angle is good fopr spotting cyclists or motorbikes

You should always check in pairs for instance if you are about to turn left check middle and left and vice versa for turning right.

Mirrors should be checked before you a change of direction or speed, I.E when turning left check the middle & left before signalling, vice versa for turning right, when speeding up or slowing down its middle and right to check how much time you have to slow down, or if there is anybody overtaking or about to overtake.
Check mirrors before Signalling, Changes of Speed and Changes of Direction
M – S – P – S – L
Mirror – Signal – Position – Speed – Look
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